Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Vampire Diaries, late text chat, #6

thinkRebecca had already watched.  Leah is catching up.

L: Watching VD #6 to catch up where I left off. Your boy [Klaus] is telling Elena about killing the hunter.
L: Ha ha Elena: I am nothing like you. Katherine: I was you before you even existed.
R: Love Katherine
L: I almost feel bad that they made Bonnie such a pawn
R: Bonnie is so dumb and can't even do magic. Bonnie = Matt
L: I'll say it again, poor Matt
L: Ha ha Katherine is listing off all of the friends of Elena who got hurt because of her
L: So is this the turning point where we all get over Stef/El?
R: I'm all about Caroline/Klaus
L: Ha ha Damon: the witch who loses her powers gets left out of the important conversations
L: So do you still think Tyler and the wolf girl F-ed?
R: That was a good ep
R: Tyler is boring
R: Klaus is hot and scary
L: Elena being so upset about being a vampire is a little ridiculous.  Stop sleeping with one then.
L: Oh god here's the bridge again.
R: Hahaha
R: If I thikn about it Elena is being a self hating racist
L: Self loathing?
R: That's it
L: Funny how when Steafn comes she sees the hunter but when Damon is there she's totally fine huh
L: This fake hybrid is dead right?
L: Yeah kill her Klaus!
L: Yeppppp
R: Klaus wants her to be human more than anyone
L: Ohhhhhh Jeremy killed him! Nice.  About time that bro did something for his sis
L: Why would Klaus want her human? Doppelganger crap again?
R: Needs more hybrid
L: Lots of Damon Elena bonding....
R: Also needs more Katherine
L: He told her about the cure. GD.
L: Oh god Tyler he wasn't your friend.  Also I think you [Rebecca] are going to be happy about your Klaus Caroline dream.
L: Matt has a part!!
L: Blogging this, you have anything else to say?
L: He's threatening Jeremy right
[apparently Rebecca took a break right about here]
L: That's cool that she's 18 and just has this huge gorgeous home that apparently needs no mortgage payment or bills.  Also if Stefan is just going to serve her on a silver platter to Damon then F him.
[Rebecca's back!]
R: The part where Damon is at the bar and orders Ric a drink?
R: Love
R: Matt is too dumb to be Damon's new bro
L: This is dumb. I'm 50% done with this show.  Stop apologizing constantly Stefan.  It's boring.
L: Ok done.  Do I have more?
R: Nope done!
R: I think all of our shows have been not great
L: Really?!  That's it with VD?  That's the only one I'm caught up on!  They're ALL bad?!
R: Ashley from Greek was on the last ep of 90210.
R: Which has been decent.
R: GG is fucked up.

[GG spoilers to follow]

R: I'm so glad Max and Naomi ended up together
L: If you're fucking with me and they don't end up together I will be pissed.
R: I love them together. Would not joke
R: Care more about their relationship than real people's

R: And I hope that Elena dies
R: Again
R: For real
R: This time
L: Ha ha add that to the group text

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